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Drama round up

Posted: 15th December 2023

As the curtains draw to a close on another exciting term in the Drama Department, we are thrilled to share the exhilarating events that unfolded on our stage. The term kicked off with an immersive physical theatre workshop conducted by the renowned ‘Frantic Assembly’ theatre company, providing 4th and 5th form drama students with valuable insights and hands-on experience in developing physical theatre techniques. This was followed by a day’s workshop with the amazing ‘Splendid’ theatre company, where the students watched their newest production and participated in a workshop led by the company’s artistic director Kerry Frampton. This experience enriched their understanding of physicality and its role in characterisation, adding an extra layer of depth to their dramatic skills.

Following this, our GCSE drama students embarked on a memorable theatre trip to London’s West End to witness the captivating musical ‘Back to the Theatre.’ The outing not only offered a delightful escape into the world of theatre but also allowed students to witness live performances in one of the world’s theatrical hubs, fostering an appreciation for the magic of the stage.

The theme for this year’s House Drama competition was ‘Rebellion’. Adaptations such as ‘Little Women,’ ‘Return of the Jedi,’ and ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ showcased the diverse talents of our students. Lodge emerged as the overall winner (sixth year in a row!) with an original piece by Freddie Tawfick that explored the historical complexities of the Berlin Wall. Each House gave an entertaining performance, and it was evening enjoyed by all, showing the dedication and creativity of our students.

Another highlight of the term was our Theatre Thursday event, which featured students delivering a captivating array of monologues and musical theatre numbers. Well done to all the performers! However, one of the undisputed highlights of the term was the enchanting Kirby Production of ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll, adapted by Simon Reade. The classic tale came to life with the amazing talent of our Kirby students, featuring an original score composed by our very own Dr Williams. Alyssa Yeung, who portrayed Alice, delivered a fabulous performance, embodying the curiosity and resilience of the iconic character. The production was a visual and auditory feast that left a lasting impression on both the audience and the performers.

House Drama Winners 2023 ‘Rebellion’


Best Newcomer – Nathan Murashi (Lodge)

Best Supporting Actress –  Helene Thiele (Bellerby)

Best Supporting Actor –  Jamie Cox (Newlands)

Best Actor – Paul Ruben (Tower)

Best Actress – Ellie Uden (Laing)

Best Backstage Crew – Bellerby

Best Design – Newlands

Best Effort – Myles Wise (Deacon)

Best Director – Freddie Tawfick (Lodge)

Best Interpret of Theme – Bellerby

Overall winner – Lodge

Categories: Drama Senior
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