Aubergine caserole


Stew with radishes


egg salad wrap


School food is tasty, healthy and there is a wide choice available. We welcome pupils from a wide range of cultures and are experienced in offering a daily selection of hot and cold vegetarian food, along with dishes that are free of wheat, pork, nuts and beef products. A number of our pupils suffer from food allergies, so all staff are made aware of each child’s needs.

Our catering staff work hard to provide both quality and variety in the food provided. The College Food Committee, made up of a cross-section of pupils (both day and boarding, senior and junior) and key members of staff, meets regularly to guide decisions and make recommendations.

Breakfast, lunch and supper are served in the traditional school Dining Hall, with younger pupils (Nursery, Reception and Year 1) being served in the Annex off the main Dining Hall. All Junior School pupils sit with their teachers during lunch time and with boarding staff for breakfast and supper.

During the school day, Junior School pupils are provided with a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and encouraged to drink from their water bottles.

We also have a modern Coffee Shop which is available for use by all parents during the school day, or with their children as a treat after school. Senior School pupils are able to purchase snacks at break times and boarders have access to the Coffee Shop at weekends and in the evenings.

View the Food Menu 

View and download the Food Menu

“The school is successful in providing opportunities for pupils of all abilities to gain academic success and develop their individual talents.”

ISI Inspection Report 2015

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