Academic Curriculum


We are ambitious for every child and are proud of our academic record. We recognise that education, in its truest sense, is measured not just in results but by preparing young people for a successful future. The learning programme is based on the National Curriculum but always aims to go beyond those confines and to make the process accessible, relevant, meaningful, stimulating and enjoyable for all pupils. Learning across the curriculum is underpinned by an emphasis on creative problem-solving which teaches children how to learn and develops a real sense of intellectual enquiry.

Personal attention is given within small classes where talents are recognised and needs are catered for. Teaching is carefully differentiated to stretch and inspire the most able and to support and encourage those whose confidence is still developing. Specialist teaching from an early stage ensures that teachers’ passion for, and knowledge of, their subjects rubs off on their pupils. Every lesson is characterised by a sense of teachers and pupils working closely together to share mutual interests and achieve common goals.

In Years 3-6, whilst the core subjects of English, Maths and Science take priority, the curriculum continues to broaden with focussed Art, Design, Science, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Music, PSHE, Computing and Teaching and Learning skills.

Pupils benefit from access to exceptional facilities and resources including a sand based and water based hockey pitch, large sports hall and Theatre. Regular Enrichment Days, field trips and visits encourage them to think for themselves, to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, and to understand their social, moral and environmental obligations.

As well as achieving results in the Kent Test which are well above KCC expectations, Junior School pupils have a proud record of success at gaining Senior School scholarships. And for those who may be looking towards Grammar Schools, focused preparation for the 11+ Kent Test is a key priority.

Ultimately, the school is well aware that every child must be equipped with a raft of skills to thrive in an extremely competitive world, and to make the most of a future which will doubtless hold many challenges and surprises.

11+ Kent Test/Senior Scholarships

Although many of our children move through to the Senior school of St Lawrence, we also support children to join local Grammar or High schools.

In the Prep School the timetable includes an hour a week of Thinking and Learning Skills (TLS). In Years 4 and 5, TLS lessons concentrate to a greater extent on the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning skills that candidates need in readiness for the Kent Test.

The Maths scheme of work in Year 5 is carefully tailored to accelerate coverage of all the necessary groundwork, and to emphasise the problem-solving element of the Kent Test syllabus. Over half of our children are working a year in advance of national expectations and 30% achieved the highest possible age on their respective tests. Also in Year 5, an additional hour of focused preparation is provided each week via the Saturday morning Activities programme complemented with a summer holiday revision camp.

“Pupils’ attitudes and approach to learning are outstanding.”

Junior School 'Excellent in all areas' ISI Report - 2023
Senior School Open Week

Click here to book your place at our Senior School Open Week from 3rd – 7th March.