Academic Life

We are proud of our strong academic record, whilst also recognising that education in its truest sense is measured not just in examination results, but in the preparation of young people for the future.

Our policy for keeping class sizes small ensures that our teachers can look after the individual needs of each pupil, so that high-flyers gain their places at the top Universities, and our less able pupils develop skills in areas which will serve them well in the future.

Our curriculum is broad and, as a fairly small School, we are able to cater for individual academic needs. Subject combinations are drawn up every year based on pupils’ preferences, giving them more choice. The housemaster or housemistress and the Head of Careers take meticulous care in guiding pupils towards suitable subject choices.

We have the freedom to tailor and enhance the requirements of the National Curriculum to suit the specific needs of our pupils. As well as fulfilling the aims of providing a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based, promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and of society and preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life, we aim for academic excellence and a firm foundation from which to progress to further study.

Academic progress is very closely monitored, with regular assessment and feedback to ensure that pupils are achieving their fullest potential.

Pupils are focused and positive in their work and are very successful as collaborative learners.

ISI Inspection 2022
Senior School Open Week

Click here to book your place at our Senior School Open Week from 3rd – 7th March.