girls sitting in a dorm

Forces Families


We have a long tradition of welcoming children whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces (both in the UK and overseas). Siblings can all be educated in the same place as we offer boarding from 7 to 18 years.

For parents whose employment with the Ministry of Defence qualifies them for the CEA (Continuity of Education Allowance) we offer a special bursary.

The College rapidly becomes a reassuring source of stability for our Forces families, in a world in which tours of duty overseas are increasingly more frequent but of shorter duration. We draw upon a rich military heritage, with a number of prominent Old Lawrentians in the armed services.


Read our Forces Brochure

Senior Girl Boarders in bedroom

Embark on a boarding adventure

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International day

International Day

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“The school is successful in providing opportunities for pupils of all abilities to gain academic success and develop their individual talents.”

ISI Inspection Report 2015

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