Kirby ( Age 11-13)
The First and Second Forms (Years 7 and 8) are divided into two houses, Cameron and Courtenay which are both a mixture of Year 7 and 8 pupils. Pupils take a core curriculum of English, French, Mathematics and Science. The Core Curriculum is augmented by lessons in Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Design Technology, and Drama.
Games and PE sessions are timetabled three afternoons a week. An extensive activities programme is offered on Saturday mornings, with some sports matches on Saturday afternoons.
For French and Mathematics pupils are allocated to sets according to level of ability. In addition, all pupils have one lesson of PSHE a week. ICT is incorporated into Core subject lessons. In this way, pupils are not only able to acquire the key skills needed to progress to later stages of their education, but also have the opportunity to follow a broad and balanced programme.
Most lessons take place within Kirby House, except those requiring specialist resources, such as Science and Art. A few other lessons are timetabled in the main teaching block. The layout of the building and the plentiful provision of computing equipment allows for cross-curricular teaching.
Miss Lizzie Young
Cameron Housemistress