Junior Boarding Blog – July

Posted: 4th July 2024

This past half term has been extremely busy. ​We have celebrated the birthdays of  Prince, Callum, Alice, Bill, Roswel and Elise and wish Tristan, Yangqing, Akolade, Ari and, Sandy and Mandy all a very happy birthday over the Summer holidays.

Our boarders have also been taking part in various activities in line with the BSA boarding week program such as wellbeing day, where yoga was the choice for most. We celebrated the summer solstice with a long game of outdoor cricket (for along as the light allowed it) and even found the time to host an impromptu general knowledge quiz (well done to the winners who were aptly named  ‘The Winners’).

We have been busy in Kirby each weekend with trips and activities such as Whitemills Water Park and Robot Wars. Whilst most of the boarders free time has been spent playing football outdoors and enjoying the pool.

Our final week saw us enjoying our end of year Summer Disco which brought together all day and boarding students within Kirby house for one last get together, sharing in fellowship and memories of the year that is now behind us. The party had a surprise visit form the ice cream van, which made the event all that much sweeter.

See you soon 2024/2025 academic year, if this past year is anything to go by, we cannot wait!

Senior School Open Week

Click here to book your place at our Senior School Open Week from 3rd – 7th March.