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Year 6 Ambassadors Take Up Their Roles and Receive Their Badges

Posted: 23rd September 2022

Today our year 6 pupils were formally presented with their ambassador role badges.

These various roles, covering everything from the environment to sports, give year 6 pupils the opportunity to take on further responsibility and set an example for the rest of the pupils in the junior school.

Every pupil received his or her ambassador badge(s) in a presentation assembly this morning:

Some pupils have multiple responsibilities and therefore multiple badges on their blazers!

Here are just some of the ambassador roles that our pupils have adopted:

  • Librarian
  • Finder Seeker
  • Environmental Champion
  • Sports Leader
  • Pre-Prep Pal
  • Digital Ambassador
  • Art Leader
  • Betsy & Barley Buddy
  • Music Leader
  • Office Monitor
  • Break Time Boogie Buddy
  • Forest leader
  • Fish Friend
Our year 6 ambassadors



Categories: Prep

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