Rising Stars: Q&A with Millie Foster

Posted: 9th June 2022

Name: Millie Foster
Year Group: 7
Sport: Cricket

How and when did you first start playing cricket?

I started playing cricket when I was seven I think. It was mainly my brother and my Dad who got me into cricket. My brother would always ask me to play with him in the garden and then my Dad taught me how to bat and bowl properly and I went on from there. I then joined Broadstairs Cricket Club, then the Eastern Vikings and then trialled for Kent under 11s when I was 9 years old.

I didn’t know this at the time, but my great, great, great Uncle was Frank Woolley. He played for Kent and England between 1906 and 1938. A stand is named after him at the Kent Cricket home ground in Canterbury.


Are you a batter or bowler?

I am mainly an off-spin bowler, but I can bat if needed. Last season I took 30 wickets for Kent U11s, which was a record. I am improving my batting a lot and I am now able to face faster bowlers without screaming and jumping out of the way.


What does a typical week look like for you?

I have pretty much a full week of cricket but Mondays are my free day. On Tuesdays I have my piano lesson straight after school, followed by Netball. Wednesdays I have a 1:1 cricket session with my coach Simon Willis. On Thursdays, I have Canterbury Women’s cricket training. Every Friday evening in the winter I have girls’ performance cricket (GPC) with Lucy Arman. I also do cricket for the second session of Saturday activities at school in the JDP (Junior Development Programme). Lastly, I play a match most Sundays during the summer season for Kent. If I get a Sunday off, I will play for Canterbury Women’s Development team.

What are your goals for the future?

I haven’t quite worked out what I want to do in the future, but I would like to carry on with my cricket as I enjoy it very much. I would like to continue to improve on all areas of the game and get the chance to bat more regularly.


Out of the many games you’ve played so far, what is your favourite game you’ve taken part in?

My favourite game has to be in Yorkshire when I got 3-3-0-5 (three overs, three maidens, zero runs and five wickets). I love that pitch.


As well as being a very talented cricketer, are there any other sports or hobbies you enjoy doing?

I play the piano which I enjoy a lot. I am currently working towards my Grade 4 Exam. I also have singing lessons on a Thursday and netball on a Tuesday. I enjoy these very much. I have also just started to learn to play golf, which I can do with my brother, Dad and Grandad.


How has St Lawrence College helped and supported you so far?
It has encouraged me to keep playing and doing what I love. Cricket training during the Saturday activities session helps improve. Mr Jones and Mr Simmons have been helping me with all areas of my game. The school has also enabled me to play for Kirby 1st XI, U14 Girls (which I am playing for during the rest of the summer term), and I also played for the Girls 1st XI which was fun.

Do you have any advice for anybody interested in learning more about cricket or wanting to improve their skills?

There are lots of ways in which you can get involved in cricket. There is school cricket where you can play with your friends and really have fun. There are also lots of local clubs outside of school along with summer cricket camps you can attend. Playing cricket on the beach or in a local park is also great fun. My advice would be, just keep trying your hardest, don’t give up. We all have bad days but don’t let that get you down. If you want something then you won’t give up on it.

Categories: Senior Sport
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