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Founders Day 2021

Posted: 27th October 2021

children sitting at a table with their teacher

As we celebrate the foundation of the College on this day 142 years ago (27 October 1879), the Head of College, Barney Durrant, has recorded a video of thanks and acknowledgement for all those who have made St Lawrence College the school that it is today.

In particular, he pays tribute to countless individuals, past and present, who believe in the ethos of the College and the potentially transformational impact that it can have on the lives of young children and who, as a result, have given selflessly in support of St Lawrence College pupils.

In the first decades of the School’s foundation, there are a number of cases of Headmasters, Presidents and Governors and OLs who donated land, bought buildings and even paid for Masters’ salaries.  However, so much of what pupils experience today – sports and playground equipment, modern Science, Art and DT facilities, as well as bursaries to help pupils affected by unexpected financial hardship – have also been directly and solely as a result of the thoughtfulness and generosity of OLs, staff and parents.


Head of College, Barney Durrant: “The School was built upon generosity and service and it’s through the kindness of many of those who have gone before us that we have such an amazing site as we do now. Ever since I started at the College I’ve been amazed by the kindness of all of our families, whether parents or alumni who have all contributed to the advancements of the college.”

So as we celebrate the 142nd Anniversary, we give thanks to those past and present who have kindly given in the service of others and made St Lawrence College the wonderful school that it is today.

Categories: Prep Prep-Prep Senior
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