July End of Term Newsletter

Dear Families,

The second half of this term has proven to be a fitting end to an excellent year. The buzz of external examinations has slowly given way to the sense of relief, accomplishment and achievement as our 5th Form and Upper Sixth Form pupils completed their final examinations. We wish them all the very best of luck for their respective results days in August.

The Big Sing was a superb community event in which primary, secondary and adult choirs from the local area and the College came together to perform some excellent pieces and we were also treated to a wonderful Kirby Concert and Summer Concert. The Art and Design exhibition was partnered with our Academic Fayre and the wealth of talent on show was evident to all who attended. We were delighted that Lara had a piece of her work accepted into an exhibition at The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, and won first prize as Young Miniature Artist, and Tara placed 2nd nationally in the 2024 Rotary Young Artist competition.

On the sports pitches, our U15 girls played superbly well to make it to the Quarter Finals of the National Cricket Cup, and our U14A XI won the Kent County Plate Competition. The term finished with a fantastic cricket week, Miller placing 5th in the 800m at the National Prep School Athletics Championships, and the news that we have just been shortlisted for the Independent School of the Year Awards for Sporting Achievement.

We had an excellent CCF camp and have had a number of Departmental trips over the last few weeks, to broaden and embed the concepts studied during our lessons. We also won two awards for the Most Nurturing Co-Educational Independent School and Best Boarding and Day School in the South East – which we are delighted with. I wish all of our families an enjoyable and restful Summer holiday!

Barney Durrant MA

Head of College

Headteacher Junior SchoolDear Families,

As we draw to the end of this academic year, I would like to thank all our wonderful families for their support for our school and all of your children for making our community so happy. We are so proud of all the children have achieved in the classroom, on the stage, in the forest, in the music and art rooms and across the sports fields. Highlights this term are unquestionably the Year 6 Show, the Pre-Prep and Prep Sports Days, Celebration Assembly and Speech Day, where together we have been able to celebrate the efforts and achievements of each child. Another great occasion was our Summer Fair where we raised a stunning £2003.77 for the local Family Food Bank. Thank you to everyone who so generously supported this community event. I am delighted that we received a Highly Commended Award from Muddy Stilettos for Championing Sustainability and have just been shortlisted for the Independent School of the Year Awards for Prep School of the Year.

I hope you enjoy this newsletter and wish everyone a fantastic summer holiday.

Ellen Rowe, BA (Hons), PGCE, IAPS

Head of Junior School




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