News Day

Posted: 30th September 2024

Last week pupils in the 4th Form at St Lawrence College took part in “News Day”, working in teams to report, edit and present news from around the school.

Instead of delivering lessons, their teachers set up news conferences and events for pupils to attend, some of which were serious and some of which were pure fun. The news teams were required to practise collaboration, enquiry, planning and creativity in order to complete a successful paper. The panel of judges was made up of teachers from the English and Media departments, who expressed their pleasure in reading the papers.

Assistant Head Academic, Mrs Parker summarised the event by saying “The pupils worked very hard, and the outcomes were the best we have seen for this annual event. There was some excellent teamwork going on, fluent and flexible thinking evident and I couldn’t have been more impressed. All of our teams did brilliantly, and it was difficult to pick a winner but in the end one newspaper stood out. Ultimately the overall winning paper was the result of a collaborative, creative process. Excellent inquiry skills and attention to detail ensured its success; the winning team had taken on board all the advice given and were relentless in their pursuit of the news”.

To read the full newspapers, click on the links below.


The Centurion – Florence Hills, Lotti Kaska, Tunmi Mabawonku and Umaiza Malik.

Runners Up:

StandFord Citizen –  Sergio Amago Lopez, Adam Barrowcliffe, Jasper Beasley and Adam Bogh.

Digital SLC – Esther Ma, Samantha Lloyd, Poppy Harker and Carlotta Gold.

Kent Chronicles – Lexie Durrant, Polina Fendrykova, Matilda Gillies and Okiki Abior.



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