Illustrator Inspires Children

Posted: 17th June 2024

Natelle Quek with children and their drawings

Today, our Pre-Prep children had the pleasure of welcoming Natelle Quek, an accomplished illustrator to St Lawrence College Junior School. She was very kindly introduced to us via Nicci from the Happy Reading Bookshop, also a Junior School parent.

Natelle’s journey into the world of illustration is very inspiring. Originally from a science background, she transitioned into illustration during the lockdown period. Natelle spent some time with Reception, and Year 1 classes, sharing her expertise and passion for illustration, sharing with them the book ‘Once Upon a Storytime’ by Gareth Peter, which she illustrated.

Natelle furthermore shared insights into her career as an illustrator with the children, discussing how illustration projects typically take around five months to complete, and that communication with the publisher is key as pictures and stories can change throughout the process.  The children were thrilled to have the opportunity to learn how to be an illustrator, and really enjoyed drawing magical unicorns in an interactive session. Natelle left the children with a beautiful bookmarks each and colouring sheets.

Natelle is hoping to bring out her own picture book in the near future – we look forward to seeing it! – and would like to thank her very much for visiting our Pre-Prep.