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Pre-Prep Sharing Assembly

Posted: 16th February 2024

Nursery children at teddy bear picnic

The air was filled with music and the spirit of exploration as the Pre-Prep children at St Lawrence College concluded their first half of the Lent Term with a spectacular ‘Sharing Assembly’, showcasing the topics they have been learning about this term.

Year 2 took center stage with a captivating narrated book about a UFO, with all of the children participating in the musical accompaniments with a huge variety of exciting musical instruments which brought the story to life. From the melodic tones of tuned hand bells to the rhythmic beats of percussion instruments and xylophones, the performance was a lovely  blend of storytelling and music.

Pre Prep children performing musicPre Prep children performing assembly






Following Year 2, the Year 1 children took the spotlight, sharing their exploration of a ‘let’s get moving’ theme. In Science, they delved into the properties of different materials, distinguishing between waterproof and absorbent substances. Putting their knowledge to the test, they conducted experiments to determine the most suitable roof for a house. The culmination of their efforts was a lively song, leaving the audience enchanted.

Pre Prep children performing assembly Pre Prep children performing assembly






The young scientists of Year 1 also examined different types of houses in the local area and used postcodes to locate their own homes. They have been discussing in class the concept of how they would answer the question ‘where we live,’ with the answers ranging from their town to the continent they live on to the the varying types of house or flat they may live in. The children even designed postcards and, with an exciting trip to the postbox, sent their creations on their way which should soon be landing on door mats.

Reception have been looking at the topic of ‘How to Help Our Planet.’ Their artistic flair has shone through as they created models of polluting cars and paintings and drawings of the Arctic and Antarctic. Adorned with penguin caps and accompanied by a couple of polar bears, Reception then serenaded the audience with an enthusiastic rendition of ‘Eddie the Penguin Saved the World,’ echoing their commitment to making a positive impact on the environment by turning the lights off, turning the heating down and walking or skipping to school to save on car use.

Pre Prep Assembly with Reception children dressed as penguinsPre Prep Assembly with Reception children dressed as penguins






Nursery children, dressed as teddy bears, stole the show with a delightful dance and song performance centered around the classic ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ tune.

Pre Prep Assembly with nursery children dressed as teddy bears Pre Prep Assembly with nursery children dressed as teddy bears






The grand finale brought together all of Pre-Prep, uniting in a powerful rendition of ‘One Little Voice.’ The lyrics echoed a profound message of unity and brotherhood, a fitting conclusion to the Sharing Assembly.

The St Lawrence College Pre-Prep Sharing Assembly was a resounding success, leaving parents, teachers, and children alike with a sense of pride and anticipation for the rest of the Lent Term. The audience, made up of the Pre-Prep families, enjoyed the assembly as much as the children enjoyed performing for their loved ones. Thank you to Mrs Peskett, Head of Pre-Prep, for hosting the Sharing Assembly, to our wonderful Music Teacher, Mrs Caddick, and all the Pre-Prep staff who helped run the assembly.

May we wish everyone a very happy Half Term break.

Categories: Music Pre-Prep
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