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‘Talk With The Teacher’ Initiative

Posted: 19th April 2022

Talk with the teacher

In 2021, the Old Lawrentian Society launched an online initiative called ‘Talk With The Teacher’.

Using Zoom to connect Old Lawrentians around the world with their former teachers and Housemasters, these virtual events have been widely successful and this month’s call was no different.

In this most recent call Dr Ellis Gill, a former pupil, Housemaster, Deputy Head and Chemistry Teacher from 1977-2014, was the special guest.  You will see from the snippets shown in the video, that Dr Gill inspired many pupils to believe that they could go on and achieve great things, and it is evident that many of the attendees did in fact go on to do exactly that. For those unfamiliar with Dr Gill, it is a fascinating watch that shows how he has instilled a passion for learning and discovery that has stuck with his ex-pupils for decades.

It was wonderful to hear what a difference both the school and Dr Gill made to their lives and the positive influence he still has to this day. Keep an eye on the Old Lawrentian email updates and the School website to find out which special guest will be appearing next on ‘Talk With The Teacher’!

If you missed the previous ‘Talk With The Teacher’ event featuring Mr Nick Jones, former Lodge Housemaster, who left the school in 2016, you can watch the highlights video below.

Again, you will see from the snippets shown in the video what a loved and respected Housemaster he was and the long-lasting and heart-warming impact that Nick and his wife, Morgan, have had on the lives of so many pupils.


Categories: Alumni
Senior School Open Week

Click here to book your place at our Senior School Open Week from 3rd – 7th March.