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Open Mornings – Junior and Senior | Book Your Place Today

Posted: 9th September 2021

Cropped Walk

We are thrilled to be able to open our doors and allow families to visit us safely once again. Our Open Mornings give parents, guardians and children the opportunity to meet the St Lawrence College community and see all that we have to offer.

We are hosting a Junior School Open Morning on Friday 1st October from 9:00am and a Senior School Open Morning on Saturday 2nd October at 10:00am.

On both Friday and Saturday, lessons, sports and activities will be taking place as usual, so you can really immerse yourself in school life and get a snapshot of a typical school day. As well as seeing the beautiful grounds, you will be able to chat to staff, watch the teachers in action and of course meet our exceptional pupils. There will also be refreshments available and a chance to talk with the Head of the School, Mr Barney Durrant and Head of Junior School, Mrs Ellen Rowe.

Spaces for the Open Mornings are on a first come first served basis, so please book to secure your place using the form below.

We maintain a high level of cleanliness across the entire site, as well as ensuring good ventilation where we can and all on-site staff and pupils are tested numerous times weekly. To view the order of the day for the Senior Open

To book your place on the Senior or Junior Open Mornings, please complete the form below:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Child's gender
Child's year of entry
Visit Date
Please let us know if you have any special requests or questions. We will do all we can to accommodate you.

Senior School Open Morning Order of the Day:

• 9.45am – 10:00am – Arrival at School
• 10.00am – Sign in and refreshments at Taylor Hall
• 10.10am – Address from Head of School, Mr Barney Durrant
• 10.20am – Q&A with current pupils and prefects
• 10:45am – Tours of the school commence
• 11:40am – Meet the Teachers with refreshments and light lunch at CPC building


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our admissions team.

Categories: Prep Prep-Prep Senior
Senior School Open Week

Click here to book your place at our Senior School Open Week from 3rd – 7th March.