Pre-Prep Mardi Gras Parade

Posted: 1st March 2022

Today our Pre-Prep children attended their very own Mardi Gras party hosted by their French Teacher, Madam Shaw.

Mardi Gras, (French for Fat Tuesday) is a festive day celebrated in France on Shrove Tuesday (the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday), which marks the close of the pre-Lenten season. The French name Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday, from the custom of using all the fats in the home before Lent in preparation for fasting and abstinence.

The children in Nursery to Year 2 created vibrant masks to wear to the parade. The parade was bursting with laughter, dancing and french music. Madam Shaw taught the pupils two French songs to sing and dance along to, accompanied by the Nativity band, made up of Year 6 pupis, who played beautifully.




Categories: Music Pre-Prep
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