
A Level Results 2023

At St Lawrence College we primarily follow traditional, academic A Levels as the best route into top universities. This year our top performers included Benjamin who achieved A*, A*, A*, Phoebe who achieved A*,A*, A and to Wendy who achieved A*, A, A, A.  We have continued to build on our excellent track record in subjects such as Art where 75% of pupils achieved an A*.

Aggregate A Level results reflect the broad ability of intake. It is noteworthy that the A*- B % for the top quartile of pupils was 81%, which compares favourably with academically selective schools around the country. High ability pupils gain excellent results, but pupils of lower ability are also supported to gain the results they need for university.

More than 60% of pupils achieved A*-B grades in Art, French, Further Maths, German, Mandarin Chinese, Photography, Media and Sport (BTEC equivalent).

The A Level results in 2023, saw St Lawrence pupils gaining the grades to access a place at top universities including: KCL, Warwick, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Imperial College London, Leeds, Southampton, and Loughborough. With a diverse set of strengths and interests, our pupils will go on to read a range of subjects including Economics, Engineering (including Civil, Electrical and Chemical), Politics and International Relations, Computer Science, Psychology, History and Ancient History, and Physics with Theoretical Physics.

For more details of exam results, including results for the past three years, please contact the Academic Deputy Head, Mr Ben Pennells, at

“The school is successful in providing opportunities for pupils of all abilities to gain academic success and develop their individual talents.”

ISI Inspection Report 2015

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